to the waterfall in caress of darkness we creep. to meet. to introduce. to offer up. to listen.become. think of every waterfall i have ever stood beneath. feel the rush of the river on its way down. the constant rock. the ever changing water and in her silver in the moonlight shimmer smooth treasures wait to take us to the dreamworld and help us stay awake. what shall we dream tonight you and i? let us hold hands and dive in. x
back from the mountains. back to the gentle valleys. the slow steady river. still landing..
i have just returned from a vision quest in the welsh mountains under the island's tallest waterfall; pistyll rhaeadr. a land still alive with the stories of its making. not a faint whisper but a roaring wind. the sound of water crashing down and as i drift into sleep the wind and the water and the wind indistinguishable. by day two my tent a crumpled mess flapping about on the valley floor, my defences along with it.
writing starts.. suddenly from nothing~something is happening even if it doesn't mean anything. its cold here, right through to the bones. thoughts come and go and the time goes by; i remain.i am heavy and slow moving. autumn is here and the wasps are clutching to the dregs of summer the way i do. that delightful September melancholy looming. the red berries of the rowan are here already , got me thinking about the last time we saw them;collected bagfulls of them and left them in the freezer to never become jelly. it was a good day though, golden sun on the reservoir banks, red berries all the way around. how many more days are there like that hiding away dusty corner until a memory glistens and you rummage through the box to get it out again?
a blind white horse
twin sycamore seeds
a buzzard dive between two trees
waterdroplets on the nettles in the moonlight
the long night
an hour of sun in the morning
wet prayer bundles in the wind
a lone black feather in long grass
the light of a fire not too far away
crow shouting in the morning "come out come, out and see the dawn"
a girl whispering her secrets into a huge moss covered rock
the flower tops on the thistles that were not there yesterday
a spider's web started over.
a prayer on the wind
to go more softly
to not waste the minutes
to sew up old tears
a prayer for compassion
for dreams
for friends...

once there were circles all over this land. now only traces.. and fading. but we remember for we were there. and we walk these circles still.
i feel my edges. my circumferences. a glowing trace. a stillness. a stone in my hand. a fire inside. i feel your force, the cold of your water. the white of your falling. the rocks you are made of and the height you can see from. i feel our meeting this night. i at your feet. your constant flow. we
both witnessing the other. we fit so perfectly here in this moment together. i feel the light fall down from the heavens, filling me up. the light like fires in my palms, the smoke; incense on the breeze. i see how it feels to be you. a constant flow, giving. i have been here a thousand years and others before me.